Estimate GFLOPS (iterative computation, fractals)

The dot product approach did not succeed in squeezeing the most of the ALU units in the GPU. Here we will try to do iterative computation in a loop. The difficulty is we have to make sure it is not easy for the compiler to optimize it away (so the results have to be unpredictable).

The simplest algorithm that satisfies this is probably the Julia fractal which consists of hundreds of complex number multiplications and each pixel gets wildly different (chaotic) results. This gives us a lot of arithmetic with barely any load/store operations (and pretty pictures).

I am only counting the instructions in the inner loop here (since we run it 4000 times so the rest does not really matter). It’s surprising how many non-FMA instructions are required to get the job done but we get 74.75 GOPS. Does it add up?

The marketing for this SoC seems to talk about G52 MP4 but the hardware register report it having only 2 cores. The most likely explanation is that it has 2 cores with 3 execution units with 8-way SIMD ALU (note that a G52 could also have a 4-way ALU). Since the ALU executes two operations per cycle (but only one of them may be a multiplication) this gives us 96 operations per clock ✕ 800MHz = 76,8 GOPS (for a maximum of 38,4 multiplication GFLOPS).


The calculation assumed there are completely no overheads and latencies of any kind so our 74.75 GOPS do look pretty good.

Test 6: Julia fractal


The FMA % numbers printed below are for the whole shader code. Since we have loops, they do not apply and we have to inspect the disassembly, find the loop and manually count the ratio.

wh = 256
def test(wh=wh, localx=1, localy=1, membw=False):
    global intex, outtex, source
    w,h = wh,wh
    if localx * localy > 256: return float('nan')
    outtex = createTexture(w, h, texid=1, fmt=gl.GL_RGBA32F)
    source = f"""
    #version 310 es
    precision highp float;

    layout(local_size_x = {localx}, local_size_y = {localy}) in;
    layout(rgba32f, binding = 1) uniform mediump writeonly image2D img_output;
    layout(location = 2) uniform int iterations;

    void main() {{
      vec2 p = (vec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy) / vec2({w}.,{h}.) - vec2(0.5)) * vec2(3.);
      int r = 0;

      for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {{
        if(dot(p, p) < 10.) {{
        p = vec2(p.x*p.x - p.y*p.y + 0.7885, 2.*p.x*p.y);
      float n = float(r) / float(iterations) * 4.;
      imageStore(img_output, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy),
              vec4(0.5-cos(n*75.0)/2.0,0.5-cos(n* 120.0)/2.0,0.5-cos(n*165.0)/2.0,1.0));
    if membw:
        print("\n".join([f"{n+1: 5d}  {line}" for n, line in enumerate(source.split('\n'))]))
    ITERS = 1000
    gl.glUniform1i(2, ITERS)
    start = time.perf_counter()
    for i in range(50):
        gl.glDispatchCompute(w//localx, h//localy, 1)
        # make sure writing to image has finished before read
    elapsed = (time.perf_counter() - start)/50
    MACs = 13*ITERS*w*h

    if membw:
        print(f"{MACs / elapsed / 1e9:.2f} GFLOPS   {w*h*4*4 / elapsed / 1024 / 1024:.2f} MB/s  {elapsed * 1e3:.2f} ms")
    return MACs / elapsed / 1e9

gflops = test(localx=16, localy=16, membw=True)
    2      #version 310 es
    3      precision highp float;
    5      layout(local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 16) in;
    6      layout(rgba32f, binding = 1) uniform mediump writeonly image2D img_output;
    7      layout(location = 2) uniform int iterations;
    9      void main() {
   10        vec2 p = (vec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy) / vec2(256.,256.) - vec2(0.5)) * vec2(3.);
   11        int r = 0;
   13        for(int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
   14          if(dot(p, p) < 10.) {
   15            r++;
   16          }
   17          p = vec2(p.x*p.x - p.y*p.y + 0.7885, 2.*p.x*p.y);
   18        } 
   20        float n = float(r) / float(iterations) * 4.;
   22        imageStore(img_output, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy),
   23                vec4(0.5-cos(n*75.0)/2.0,0.5-cos(n* 120.0)/2.0,0.5-cos(n*165.0)/2.0,1.0));
   24      }
37.42 GFLOPS   43.92 MB/s  22.77 ms
FMAs: 57.69% (30 / 52)

ds(0) nbb r_uncond ncph 
    *NOP t0
    +U32_TO_F32 t1, r60
    *FMA.f32 r0:t0, t1, 0x3b800000 /* 0.003906 */, 0xbf000000 /* -0.500000 */
    +U32_TO_F32 t1, r61
    *FMA.f32 r1:t0, t1, 0x3b800000 /* 0.003906 */, 0xbf000000 /* -0.500000 */
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32 r0:t0, r0, 0x40400000 /* 3.000000 */, #0.neg
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32 r1:t0, r1, 0x40400000 /* 3.000000 */, #0.neg
    +MOV.i32 r2:t1, 0x00000000 /* 0.000000 */
    *NOP t0
    +MOV.i32 r3:t1, t1

ds(0) nbb r_uncond ncph 
    *NOP t0 t1, r2, u0.w0
    *NOP t0
    +BRANCHZ.i16.eq t1, t1.h0, clause_11

ds(0) nbb 
    *NOP t0
    +JUMP t1, clause_21

ds(0) nbb ncph 
    *NOP t0
    +MOV.i32 t1, r1
    *FMA.f32 r4:t0, r1, t1, #0.neg
    +MOV.i32 t1, r0
    *FMA.f32 r5:t0, r0, t1, t0
    +NOP t1

ds(0) nbb r_uncond 
    *NOP t0
    +IADD.s32 t1, r3, 0x00000001 /* 0.000000 */
    * t0, r5, 0x41200000 /* 10.000000 */
    +MUX.i32 r3:t1, r3, t1, t
    *NOP t0
    +MOV.i32 t1, r0
    *FMA.f32 t0, r0, t1, 0x3f49db23 /* 0.788500 */
    +FADD.f32 r4:t1, t, r4.neg
    *MOV.i32 t0, r0
    +FADD.f32 t1, r0, t
    *FMA.f32 r1:t0, t1, r1, #0.neg
    +NOP t1
    *MOV.i32 t0, r2
    +IADD.s32 r2:t1, t, 0x00000001 /* 0.000000 */
    *MOV.i32 r0:t0, r4
    +JUMP t1, clause_6

ds(0) nbb ncph 
    *MOV.i32 t0, r3
    +S32_TO_F32 r0:t1, t
    *NOP t0
    +S32_TO_F32 t1, u0.w0
    *NOP t0
    +FRCP.f32 t1, t1
    *FMA.f32 r0:t0, r0, t1, #0.neg
    +NOP t1

ds(0) nbb ncph 
    *FMA.f32 r1:t0, 0x43960000 /* 300.000000 */, r0, #0.neg
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32 r2:t0, t0, 0x3f22f98c /* 0.636620 */, 0x49400000 /* 786432.000000 */
    +FADD.f32 t1, t, 0x49400000 /* 786432.000000 */.neg
    *FMA.f32 r1:t0, t1, 0xbfc90fd0 /* -1.570795 */, r1
    +FSIN_TABLE.u6 r3:t1, t0
    *FMA_RSCALE.f32 t0, t0, t0, #0.neg, 0xffffffff /* -nan */
    +FCOS_TABLE.u6 r2:t1, r2
    *FMA.f32 t0, t0, t1.neg, #0.neg
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32.clamp_m1_1 t0, r1, r3.neg, t0
    +NOP t1
    *NOP t0
    +FADD.f32 r1:t1, t0, r2
    *FMA.f32 r2:t0, 0x43f00000 /* 480.000000 */, r0, #0.neg
    +NOP t1

ds(0) nbb ncph next_attr 
    *FMA.f32 r3:t0, r2, 0x3f22f98c /* 0.636620 */, 0x49400000 /* 786432.000000 */
    +FADD.f32 t1, t, 0x49400000 /* 786432.000000 */.neg
    *FMA.f32 r2:t0, t1, 0xbfc90fd0 /* -1.570795 */, r2
    +FSIN_TABLE.u6 r4:t1, t0
    *FMA_RSCALE.f32 t0, t0, t0, #0.neg, 0xffffffff /* -nan */
    +FCOS_TABLE.u6 r3:t1, r3
    *FMA.f32 t0, t0, t1.neg, #0.neg
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32.clamp_m1_1 t0, r2, r4.neg, t0
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32 r0:t0, 0x44250000 /* 660.000000 */, r0, #0.neg
    +FADD.f32 r2:t1, t0, r3
    *FMA.f32 r3:t0, t0, 0x3f22f98c /* 0.636620 */, 0x49400000 /* 786432.000000 */
    +NOP t1
    *NOP t0
    +FADD.f32 r4:t1, t0, 0x49400000 /* 786432.000000 */.neg

ds(0) nbb attr ncph next_store dwb(0) 
    *FMA.f32 r0:t0, r4, 0xbfc90fd0 /* -1.570795 */, r0
    +FSIN_TABLE.u6 r4:t1, r3
    *FMA_RSCALE.f32 t0, t0, t0, #0.neg, 0xffffffff /* -nan */
    +FCOS_TABLE.u6 r3:t1, r3
    *FMA.f32 t0, t0, t1.neg, #0.neg
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32.clamp_m1_1 t0, r0, r4.neg, t0
    +NOP t1
    *NOP t0
    +FADD.f32 t1, t0, r3
    *FMA.f32 t0, t1, 0x3f000000 /* 0.500000 */, #0.neg
    +FADD.f32 t1, 0x3f000000 /* 0.500000 */, t.neg
    *MOV.i32 r3:t0, t1
    +MKVEC.v2i16 t1, r60, r61
    *DTSEL_IMM.attribute_1 t0, t1
    +LEA_ATTR_TEX.f32 t1, t, #0.x, #0.x, @r5

ds(0) eos store 
    *FMA.f32 t0, r1, 0x3f000000 /* 0.500000 */, #0.neg
    +FADD.f32 r1:t1, 0x3f000000 /* 0.500000 */, t.neg
    *FMA.f32 t0, r2, 0x3f000000 /* 0.500000 */, #0.neg
    +FADD.f32 r2:t1, 0x3f000000 /* 0.500000 */, t.neg
    *NOP t0
    +MOV.i32 r4:t1, 0x3f800000 /* 1.000000 */
    *NOP t0
    +ST_CVT.v4 t1, r5, r6, r7, @r1

shader11948 - MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE shader: 0 inst, 0 bundles, 0 quadwords, 0 registers, 4 threads, 0 loops, 0:0 spills:fills
downloadTexture(outtex, 256, 256)

r = grid_run(test, localx=[1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256], localy=[1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256])
grid_show(r, colorfun=lambda x: -np.log(x))
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Test 7: Julia fractal (4-way unroll)

wh = 256
def test(wh=wh, localx=1, localy=1, membw=False):
    global intex, outtex, source
    w,h = wh,wh
    if localx * localy > 256: return float('nan')
    outtex = createTexture(w, h, texid=1, fmt=gl.GL_RGBA32F)
    source = f"""
    #version 310 es
    precision highp float;

    layout(local_size_x = {localx}, local_size_y = {localy}) in;
    layout(rgba32f, binding = 1) uniform mediump writeonly image2D img_output;
    layout(location = 2) uniform int iterations;

    void main() {{
      vec2 p = (vec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy) / vec2({w}.,{h}.) - vec2(0.5)) * vec2(3.);
      int r = 0;

      for(int i = 0; i < iterations / 4; i++) {{
        if(dot(p, p) < 10.) {{
        p = vec2(p.x*p.x - p.y*p.y + 0.7885, 2.*p.x*p.y);
        if(dot(p, p) < 10.) {{
        p = vec2(p.x*p.x - p.y*p.y + 0.7885, 2.*p.x*p.y);
        if(dot(p, p) < 10.) {{
        p = vec2(p.x*p.x - p.y*p.y + 0.7885, 2.*p.x*p.y);
        if(dot(p, p) < 10.) {{
        p = vec2(p.x*p.x - p.y*p.y + 0.7885, 2.*p.x*p.y);
      float n = float(r) / float(iterations) * 4.;
      imageStore(img_output, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy),
              vec4(0.5-cos(n*75.0)/2.0,0.5-cos(n* 120.0)/2.0,0.5-cos(n*165.0)/2.0,1.0));
    if membw:
        print("\n".join([f"{n+1: 5d}  {line}" for n, line in enumerate(source.split('\n'))]))
    ITERS = 1000
    gl.glUniform1i(2, ITERS)
    start = time.perf_counter()
    for i in range(50):
        gl.glDispatchCompute(w//localx, h//localy, 1)
        # make sure writing to image has finished before read
    elapsed = (time.perf_counter() - start)/50
    output = downloadTextureFloat(outtex, w, h)
    MACs = 32*ITERS/4*w*h

    if membw:
        print(f"{MACs / elapsed / 1e9:.2f} GFLOPS   {w*h*4*4 / elapsed / 1024 / 1024:.2f} MB/s  {elapsed * 1e3:.2f} ms")
    return MACs / elapsed / 1e9

gflops = test(localx=16, localy=16, membw=True)
    2      #version 310 es
    3      precision highp float;
    5      layout(local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 16) in;
    6      layout(rgba32f, binding = 1) uniform mediump writeonly image2D img_output;
    7      layout(location = 2) uniform int iterations;
    9      void main() {
   10        vec2 p = (vec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy) / vec2(256.,256.) - vec2(0.5)) * vec2(3.);
   11        int r = 0;
   13        for(int i = 0; i < iterations / 4; i++) {
   14          if(dot(p, p) < 10.) {
   15            r++;
   16          }
   17          p = vec2(p.x*p.x - p.y*p.y + 0.7885, 2.*p.x*p.y);
   18          if(dot(p, p) < 10.) {
   19            r++;
   20          }
   21          p = vec2(p.x*p.x - p.y*p.y + 0.7885, 2.*p.x*p.y);
   22          if(dot(p, p) < 10.) {
   23            r++;
   24          }
   25          p = vec2(p.x*p.x - p.y*p.y + 0.7885, 2.*p.x*p.y);
   26          if(dot(p, p) < 10.) {
   27            r++;
   28          }
   29          p = vec2(p.x*p.x - p.y*p.y + 0.7885, 2.*p.x*p.y);
   30        } 
   32        float n = float(r) / float(iterations) * 4.;
   34        imageStore(img_output, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy),
   35                vec4(0.5-cos(n*75.0)/2.0,0.5-cos(n* 120.0)/2.0,0.5-cos(n*165.0)/2.0,1.0));
   36      }
36.76 GFLOPS   70.12 MB/s  14.26 ms
FMAs: 59.15% (42 / 71)

ds(0) nbb r_uncond ncph 
    *NOP t0
    +U32_TO_F32 t1, r60
    *FMA.f32 r0:t0, t1, 0x3b800000 /* 0.003906 */, 0xbf000000 /* -0.500000 */
    +U32_TO_F32 t1, r61
    *FMA.f32 r1:t0, t1, 0x3b800000 /* 0.003906 */, 0xbf000000 /* -0.500000 */
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32 r0:t0, r0, 0x40400000 /* 3.000000 */, #0.neg
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32 r1:t0, r1, 0x40400000 /* 3.000000 */, #0.neg
    +MOV.i32 r2:t1, 0x00000000 /* 0.000000 */
    *NOP t0
    +MOV.i32 r3:t1, t1

ds(0) nbb r_uncond ncph 
    *NOP t0
    +MOV.i32 t1, 0xffffffff /* -nan */
    * t0, u0.w0, t1, u0.w0, t1
    +NOP t1
    * r4:t0, 0x00000001 /* 0.000000 */, t0, t0, 0x00000001 /* 0.000000 */
    +NOP t1
    *NOP t0
    +IABS.s32 t1, u0.w0
    *RSHIFT_OR.i32 t0, t1, #0, 0x00000002 /* 0.000000 */
    +NOP t1
    *IMUL.i32 t0, r4, t0 t1, r2, t
    *NOP t0
    +BRANCHZ.i16.eq t1, t1.h0, clause_14

ds(0) nbb 
    *NOP t0
    +JUMP t1, clause_36

ds(0) nbb ncph 
    *NOP t0
    +MOV.i32 r4:t1, r1

ds(0) nbb ncph 
    *FMA.f32 r4:t0, r1, r4, #0.neg
    +MOV.i32 t1, r0
    *FMA.f32 r5:t0, r0, t1, t0
    +NOP t1
    *NOP t0
    +IADD.s32 t1, r3, 0x00000001 /* 0.000000 */
    * t0, r5, 0x41200000 /* 10.000000 */
    +MUX.i32 r3:t1, r3, t1, t
    *NOP t0
    +MOV.i32 t1, r0
    *FMA.f32 t0, r0, t1, 0x3f49db23 /* 0.788500 */
    +FADD.f32 r4:t1, t, r4.neg
    *MOV.i32 t0, r0
    +FADD.f32 t1, r0, t
    *FMA.f32 r0:t0, t1, r1, #0.neg
    +NOP t1

ds(0) nbb ncph 
    *FMA.f32 r1:t0, r0, r0, #0.neg
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32 t0, r4, r4, t0
    +IADD.s32 t1, r3, 0x00000001 /* 0.000000 */
    * t0, t0, 0x41200000 /* 10.000000 */
    +MUX.i32 r3:t1, r3, t1, t
    *FMA.f32 r5:t0, r4, r4, 0x3f49db23 /* 0.788500 */
    +FADD.f32 t1, r4, r4
    *FMA.f32 r0:t0, t1, r0, #0.neg
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32 r4:t0, t0, t0, #0.neg
    +FADD.f32 r1:t1, r5, r1.neg
    *FMA.f32 t0, t1, t1, t0
    +IADD.s32 t1, r3, 0x00000001 /* 0.000000 */
    * t0, t0, 0x41200000 /* 10.000000 */
    +MUX.i32 r3:t1, r3, t1, t

ds(0) nbb r_uncond 
    *FMA.f32 r5:t0, r1, r1, 0x3f49db23 /* 0.788500 */
    +FADD.f32 t1, r1, r1
    *FMA.f32 r1:t0, t1, r0, #0.neg
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32 r0:t0, t0, t0, #0.neg
    +FADD.f32 r4:t1, r5, r4.neg
    *FMA.f32 t0, t1, t1, t0
    +IADD.s32 t1, r3, 0x00000001 /* 0.000000 */
    * t0, t0, 0x41200000 /* 10.000000 */
    +MUX.i32 r3:t1, r3, t1, t
    *FMA.f32 t0, r4, r4, 0x3f49db23 /* 0.788500 */
    +FADD.f32 r0:t1, t, r0.neg
    *FADD.f32 t0, r4, r4
    +IADD.s32 r2:t1, r2, 0x00000001 /* 0.000000 */
    *FMA.f32 r1:t0, t0, r1, #0.neg
    +JUMP t1, clause_6

ds(0) nbb ncph 
    *MOV.i32 t0, r3
    +S32_TO_F32 r0:t1, t
    *NOP t0
    +S32_TO_F32 t1, u0.w0
    *NOP t0
    +FRCP.f32 t1, t1
    *FMA.f32 r0:t0, r0, t1, #0.neg
    +NOP t1

ds(0) nbb ncph 
    *FMA.f32 r1:t0, 0x43960000 /* 300.000000 */, r0, #0.neg
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32 r2:t0, t0, 0x3f22f98c /* 0.636620 */, 0x49400000 /* 786432.000000 */
    +FADD.f32 t1, t, 0x49400000 /* 786432.000000 */.neg
    *FMA.f32 r1:t0, t1, 0xbfc90fd0 /* -1.570795 */, r1
    +FSIN_TABLE.u6 r3:t1, t0
    *FMA_RSCALE.f32 t0, t0, t0, #0.neg, 0xffffffff /* -nan */
    +FCOS_TABLE.u6 r2:t1, r2
    *FMA.f32 t0, t0, t1.neg, #0.neg
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32.clamp_m1_1 t0, r1, r3.neg, t0
    +NOP t1
    *NOP t0
    +FADD.f32 r1:t1, t0, r2
    *FMA.f32 r2:t0, 0x43f00000 /* 480.000000 */, r0, #0.neg
    +NOP t1

ds(0) nbb ncph next_attr 
    *FMA.f32 r3:t0, r2, 0x3f22f98c /* 0.636620 */, 0x49400000 /* 786432.000000 */
    +FADD.f32 t1, t, 0x49400000 /* 786432.000000 */.neg
    *FMA.f32 r2:t0, t1, 0xbfc90fd0 /* -1.570795 */, r2
    +FSIN_TABLE.u6 r4:t1, t0
    *FMA_RSCALE.f32 t0, t0, t0, #0.neg, 0xffffffff /* -nan */
    +FCOS_TABLE.u6 r3:t1, r3
    *FMA.f32 t0, t0, t1.neg, #0.neg
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32.clamp_m1_1 t0, r2, r4.neg, t0
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32 r0:t0, 0x44250000 /* 660.000000 */, r0, #0.neg
    +FADD.f32 r2:t1, t0, r3
    *FMA.f32 r3:t0, t0, 0x3f22f98c /* 0.636620 */, 0x49400000 /* 786432.000000 */
    +NOP t1
    *NOP t0
    +FADD.f32 r4:t1, t0, 0x49400000 /* 786432.000000 */.neg

ds(0) nbb attr ncph next_store dwb(0) 
    *FMA.f32 r0:t0, r4, 0xbfc90fd0 /* -1.570795 */, r0
    +FSIN_TABLE.u6 r4:t1, r3
    *FMA_RSCALE.f32 t0, t0, t0, #0.neg, 0xffffffff /* -nan */
    +FCOS_TABLE.u6 r3:t1, r3
    *FMA.f32 t0, t0, t1.neg, #0.neg
    +NOP t1
    *FMA.f32.clamp_m1_1 t0, r0, r4.neg, t0
    +NOP t1
    *NOP t0
    +FADD.f32 t1, t0, r3
    *FMA.f32 t0, t1, 0x3f000000 /* 0.500000 */, #0.neg
    +FADD.f32 t1, 0x3f000000 /* 0.500000 */, t.neg
    *MOV.i32 r3:t0, t1
    +MKVEC.v2i16 t1, r60, r61
    *DTSEL_IMM.attribute_1 t0, t1
    +LEA_ATTR_TEX.f32 t1, t, #0.x, #0.x, @r5

ds(0) eos store 
    *FMA.f32 t0, r1, 0x3f000000 /* 0.500000 */, #0.neg
    +FADD.f32 r1:t1, 0x3f000000 /* 0.500000 */, t.neg
    *FMA.f32 t0, r2, 0x3f000000 /* 0.500000 */, #0.neg
    +FADD.f32 r2:t1, 0x3f000000 /* 0.500000 */, t.neg
    *NOP t0
    +MOV.i32 r4:t1, 0x3f800000 /* 1.000000 */
    *NOP t0
    +ST_CVT.v4 t1, r5, r6, r7, @r1

shader14548 - MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE shader: 0 inst, 0 bundles, 0 quadwords, 0 registers, 4 threads, 0 loops, 0:0 spills:fills
r = grid_run(test, localx=[1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256], localy=[1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256])
grid_show(r, colorfun=lambda x: -np.log(x))